General Information



Part One- Personal Data



Phone____________________ email address______________________

Date of Birth______________

Exact Time of Birth_________ Place of Birth______________

How did you hear about OSG?

Which coven are you interested in?

      ___Sycamore Grove, Pittsburg, CA

      ___Oak Grove, Martinez, CA

      ___Birch Grove, Benicia, CA


Part Two- Interests and Experience

Rate the following areas of interest: (+) very interested, (0) some- what interested, (-) not very interested, (?) don't know.

  • ___ Learning to Cast a Circle and perform Ritual
  • ___ About Gods and Goddesses
  • ___ Spellwork and Candle Magick
  • ___ Herbalism/Healing Arts
  • ___ Philosophy and Beliefs
  • ___ Solitary Practice
  • ___ Group Work/Spiritual Community
  • ___ Outdoor Work (Earth magick)
  • ___ Indoor (Temple Work)
  • ___ Psychic/Spiritual Development
  • ___ Divination Skills
  • ___ Devotion

What is your level of knowledge or experience with Wicca or Witchcraft?

___ Brand new Beginner

___ Know a little from reading

___ Know a little through experience

___ Know quite a bit from reading

___ Quite a bit of experience.


Have you studied or practiced other systems of Shamanism, Occultism, or Ceremonial Magick? _____ What and how much?


Part Three- Personal Info

What has drawn you to this path?


Are you sure about this path? _____

What are your concerns?____________________________________________________________________________

What do you want from this path?_____________________________________________________________________

Are you interested in joining a coven (grove) within OSG upon completion of this training cycle? _______

If you were an animal, (beast or insect) what would you be and why?



Part Four- Availability

When can you begin this training program? _______________________

You will be meeting at least once a month, on a weekend for a year-and-a-day, will this be a problem?_______________

Do you need more information?____________________________

What information would you like?_____________________________________________________________________

Am I available to meet on weekends, once a month for a four hour session?_____

If so, which would be more convenient?

Saturday mornings ___ Saturday afternoons ___

Sunday mornings ___ Sunday afternoons ___ Sunday evenings ___

Can I realistically devote one day month to class and perform the necessary studies and rituals for a year and a day at this time in my life?___

Answer the following questions in your heart:

Will my family and/or closest friends support me in this committment?

Is my life uncomplicated enough right now to accommodate this major change?

Do I have personal work to do first? (relationship work, dependency issues, addictions...)

Have I investigated this path sufficiently enough in order to make a knowledgeable decision?

What are my motivations? Do I genuinely feel a calling? Am I merely curious or fascinated with the mysterious lifestyle/beliefs/ of Witches? (If so perhaps a class will satisfy the need for more knowledge.)

Am I prepared to meet my True Self in both shadow and light?

If we are unable to accommodate you in this Cycle of Apprentice Training, would you like to be put on a waiting list for a future Cycle?____

Would you like to be kept on our mailing list for future events such as classes, drumming circles, semi/public rituals? _____

Are you applying to more than one grove within OSG? If so indicate which ones:


Please copy this survey, and after is is completed, return it to the appropriate Mentor

Lord Shade, Benicia

or Lady Braid, San Rafael

or Lady Autumn, Martinez

or Lady Kaerwyn, Martinez

( paste it into the body of your email or attach it as a Word document)

Many Blessings to you on your quest!



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